Thursday, March 22, 2018

How to unlock TV series with a VPN?

Moving away from your home country does not imply having to say goodbye to your favorite show. Have you ever wondered how to unlock TV shows when you are abroad? Or have you ever tried watching foreign TV shows online and got a "not available in your country" message? The secret is very simple: you need a best VPN server to unblock and watch TV from any country.

Unlock Online TV Streaming With a VPN

Have you ever traveled abroad and wanted to access sports information and events from your home country, finding that the country where you were imposing strict restrictions on censorship? By using a virtual private network (VPN), you will never find yourself in such a situation. How about better news? With the FlyVPN's service, with 400+ VPN servers in more than 30 countries, you can watch BBC iPlayer and other foreign TV channels online from different geographical areas quickly and easily.

With the technological capabilities that allow users to route their Internet traffic through servers in other countries, you can use a VPN not only to watch your favorite TV shows but also to unlock sporting events. If a person in the US tries to watch a football match that was blocked due to restrictions for that area, she could use a VPN and pretend she is accessing the internet from England. Thus, the person would then be able to follow the game online!

When you use FlyVPN, you can unlock your favorite TV channels in the United States, the UK and France, anywhere you are. FlyVPN also allows you to change content in different countries and regions, without complicating your life to having to reconfigure your devices.

If you are interested in FlyVPN, you can turn to its free trial service and download its clients and Apps from FlyVPN's official website.

If you still have questions about how to unblock and watch TV series with free VPN service on different operating systems, please make a comment.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How to avoid DDOS attacks with VPN?

DDOS or DOS (denial-of-service) is a computer-based attack that has the purpose of rendering a service or service unavailable, preventing legitimate users of a service from using it. DDOS (Denial of Service Attack) is now one of the oldest Internet threats and continues to be the main risk to networks around the world.

How does the DDOS work?

Before launching an attack, the attacker must first obtain the IP address of the target computer. With the IP address of the target computer, the attacker gets to know a lot of information about this computer and therefore can better plan this attack. (It is therefore advisable to use a VPN service to hide its IP and avoid attack DDOS. If we change our IP, the attacker can not identify us and launch a DDOS attack.)

There are more than 20% of the computers infected by a botnet in the world, they are "zombie PCs". When launching a DDOS, the attacker uses the bandwidth of uploading PCs infected by the botnet (in small quantity so that it goes unnoticed), to send thousands to see millions of requests on the target computer ( Or even a website / game server, etc ...).

Some "zombie PCs" send queries to unsecured DNS servers in order to amplify the attack.

Avoid DDOS attacks with VPN

How to avoid a DDOS attack with VPN?

Since the IP address is important for launching a DDOS attack, we must therefore protect our own IP address. VPN is a simple and effective tool to change our own IP address, which allows video game players to avoid and bypass DDOS attacks.

Compared to dedicated IP VPN, buying shared IP VPN is the best choice to avoid and bypass DDOS. Because the shared IP VPN plan offers more VPN servers available and normally costs no more than dedicated IP VPN.

As for the shared IP VPN provider, I recommend FlyVPN which has 400+ VPN servers in 30+ countries. Here is FlyVPN's servers location list.

If you have any question, please feel free to make a comment below.