Friday, October 28, 2016

Killing Floor 2 Early Access: How to unblock and play Killing Floor 2 hours earlier from any country with New Zealand VPN?

Killing Floor 2, an upcoming first-person shooter video game, will be released on November 18 2016 worldwide for Microsoft Windows, Linux and PlayStation 4. Some of you may be eager to unblock and play Killing Floor 2 hours earlier. In fact, it is possible. This article will teach how to do so.
Unblock Killing Floor 2 earlier New Zealand VPN

How to unblock and play Killing Floor 2 hours earlier with New Zealand VPN?

We've alreadly discussed a lot on how to unblock upcoming video games earlier with a free New Zealand VPN service. As we all know, New Zealand is the first country to start a whole new day because of time zone. For Killing Floor 2, the situation is similar. If you are geographically outside of New Zealand, there is still a solution to unblock Killing Floor 2 earlier: using a New Zealand VPN to get a New Zealand IP.

New Zealand VPN on Windows, Linux and PlayStation to unblock Killing Floor 2 earlier

As far as I know, FlyVPN offers New Zealand VPN free trial service which allows everyone to unblock Killing Floor 2 earlier on Windows, Linux and PlayStation 4. Here are the tutorials you may need to play Killing Floor 2 earlier:
How to use a VPN on Microsoft Windows?
How to use a VPN on Linux?
How to use a VPN on PlayStation 4 via Windows?
How to use a VPN on PlayStation 4 via Mac OS X?

If you have any questions on how to unblock and play Killing Floor 2 earlier with New Zealand VPN on Windows, Linux and PlayStation 4, please leave a comment.